Planning Context

The Site is located to the south of Newton Leys, a district that covers the southern tip of Bletchley and straddles the boundary between the city of Milton Keynes and the rest of Buckinghamshire. The Site is located within Great Brickhill Ward and within the Stoke Hammond Civil Parish.

The Site consists of three parcels of agricultural land which surround the agricultural buildings associated with Chadwell Farm.

The Site, which extends to approximately 17.78 hectares, is located within the Aylesbury Vale Area of Buckinghamshire Council and is therefore covered by the adopted Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP). The VALP requires the delivery of 28,600 dwellings across the period 2013-2033 and to meet this need, it outlines a hierarchy of settlements appropriate to deliver housing in the right locations to enable sustainable development to take place. The site is located on the edge of Milton Keynes (Bletchley) which is acknowledged in the VALP as a sustainable location for growth. Whilst this site sits outside but adjacent to the current settlement boundary, the Council is not currently able to demonstrate sufficient housing sites are available to meet its immediate land supply requirements.

Site Location Plan